Your new puppy has been on Bill Jack puppy food for large breed dogs. Keep your puppy on it until they are settled in. Then if you want to change food (not recommended), do so slowly by mixing in new food to keep them from having a tummy ache. Go for quality food, much less filler, they will eat less of it and poop less too!. Puppies should have a slight waist. When they grow they will thin out and then bulk up as they get ready to do it again. Make water available at feedings and when outside. Water bowls are a great toy!If bowels get loose. Add a tablespoon of canned pumpkin to their food for at least three meals. Make sure it is plain pumpkin, nothing added. Puppies are beginning to teethe, they will need lots of things to chew on. Sweet potato dog jerky has been a favorite. Keep rotating in new toys so that they will teethe on them and not your shoes. They Like the long furry animals with the crinkle paper inside. Kongs can be filled with peanut butter and frozen. As they get older we add elk antlers that have been cut in half, expensive but they last a long, long time. Bitter apple works well on things you don’t want them to chew on. If they want to chew on you, put your hand gently around their muzzle and firmly say NO. Don't yell, they think you are a puppy and they chew on each other. If all else fails spray your hands with bitter apple! We use a human baby toenail clipper to dull those sharp nails during puppyhood. Only snip off the point, they bleed easily. They are eating two meals a day, 8-9 am and around 6-7 pm. They are eating around 1 cup to 1 1/2 cups each meal. We feed them dry but have plenty of water available at all times. We recommended feeding them only from your hands for the first week. We feed outside since at this age they eat and eliminate immediately. Wait for them to eliminate, and praise them with a word you like, like “Potty Puppy” so they get used to a command for going to the bathroom. It's great on wet days so you can hurry it along! The first puppy shots were given when they turned 8 weeks old. Call your vet to see if they want to do a 12-week shot. Puppies need a series of 3 to have full immunity. Shopping list:Paper towels/ lots!, Windex, Carpet cleaner, Old towels to lie on/ clean with/ chew on… Bitter apple, Bill Jack Puppy food, Puppy toys Any questions call me! Alexandra 540-230-5001
Here is a great article AKC sent me and I thought I would share it with you... How to Potty Train Puppies: A Comprehensive Guide for Success Key Points * Crates are an important puppy housetraining tool that can make your life easier. * Puppy pads and paper training offer a temporary solution to housetraining. * Consistency, attention, understanding, and patience are all key in housetraining. Learning how to potty train puppies at the right time and place is one of the most important first steps you can take for a long, happy life together. House soiling is among the top reasons dogs lose their homes or end up in shelters. Few people are willing to put up with a dog who destroys rugs and flooring, or who leaves a stinky mess that you have to clean after a hard day at work. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you do some research in advance on how to house train a dog, decide what will work best for your situation, and make a plan. There are tried-and-true methods for training your puppy, says Mary Burch, Ph.D., director of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen and S.T.A.R. Puppy programs. These include: * Crate training * Paper training * Indoor potty training * Frequent walks outside help. Dr. Burch says that there are pros and cons to each, but they all can be successful if you follow a few basic tips, including: * Controlling your dog’s diet * Keeping a consistent schedule; this pertains to trips outside, feeding, and exercise * Providing regular exercise—it helps with motility * Reinforcing your puppy for “going” outside * Have the right potty training supplies Let’s explore some of these concepts in depth. Crates Rank High as a Potty Training Tool Many people who are new to dogs cringe at the idea of confining their puppies in a crate, but the reluctance to use this tool generally evaporates after a few days of living with a new pet. Dog crates make life easier. It’s a good idea to get your dog accustomed to one for many reasons, such as vet visits, travel, convalescence, and safety. Dogs are den animals and will seek out a little canine cave for security whether you provide one or not. That makes it relatively easy to train your dog to love her crate. The principle behind using a crate for housetraining is that dogs are very clean creatures and don’t like a urine-soaked rug in their living spaces any more than you do. It’s important that the crate is the right size—just large enough for the dog to lie down, stand up, and turn around. If it is too large, the dog will feel that it’s OK to use one corner for elimination and then happily settle down away from the mess. Many crates come with partitions so you can adjust the size as your puppy grows. When she feels an urge, the puppy will usually let you know by whining and scratching. That’s her signal that she has to go and wants out of her little den. Now! Don’t delay because if you let your pup lose control in her crate, she’ll get the idea that it’s OK to mess up her living space. Then she’ll think nothing of leaving little packages around where you live, too. Puppy Pads and Paper Training Dr. Burch says the use of puppy pads and paper training can be “tricky because you’re reinforcing two different options for the puppy.” In an ideal situation, pups would learn to hold it indoors and only eliminate it at specific spots outdoors. But some cases may require a bit of creative thought, such as a person who has a job that makes it impossible to get home several times a day, or for a tiny dog living where the winters are brutal. Puppy pads give a dog the option of relieving herself in an approved spot at home. There are also high-tech indoor dog bathrooms that even work for male dogs. After the dog matures, the owner can then work on having the dog do her business outdoors all the time. Create a Housetraining Schedule for Your Puppy It is vital to housetraining success. Puppies have tiny bladders, and water runs right through them. The same is true for solid matter. You have to make sure you are giving your puppy ample opportunity to do the right thing. A good guide is that dogs can control their bladders for the number of hours corresponding to their age in months up to about nine months to a year. (Remember, though, that 10 to 12 hours is a long time for anyone to hold it!) A 6-month-old pup can reasonably be expected to hold it for about 6 hours. Never forget that all puppies are individuals and the timing will differ for each. Monitor daily events and your puppy’s habits when setting up a schedule. With very young puppies, you should expect to take the puppy out: * First thing in the morning * Last thing at night * After playing indoors * After spending time in a crate * Upon waking up from a nap * After chewing a toy or bone * After eating * After drinking This could have you running for the piddle pad, backyard, or street a dozen times or more in a 24-hour period. If you work, make some kind of arrangement (bringing your pup to the office or hiring a dog walker) to keep that schedule. The quicker you convey the idea that there is an approved place to potty and that some places are off-limits, the quicker you’ll be able to put this messy chapter behind you. Observation and Supervision You have to watch your puppy carefully for individual signals and rhythms. Some puppies may be able to hold it longer than others. Some will have to go out every time they play or get excited. Some will stop in the middle of a play session, pee, and play on. As with human babies, canine potty habits are highly idiosyncratic. Control the Diet Puppies have immature digestive systems, so they can’t handle much food. That’s why it is recommended that you break up the puppy feeding schedule into three small meals. Another thing to keep in mind is the food itself, which should be the highest quality puppy food. Whatever you choose, make sure it agrees with your puppy. Examining a dog’s stool is the best way for an owner to figure out whether it’s time for a change in diet. If your puppy is consistently producing stools that are bulky, loose, and stinky, it may be time to talk to your vet about switching to a new food. Overfeeding may also provoke a case of diarrhea, which will only make the task of housetraining that much more difficult. Praise Scolding a puppy for soiling your rug, especially after the fact, isn’t going to do anything except make her think you’re a nut. Likewise, some old methods of punishment, like rubbing a dog’s nose in her poop, are so bizarre that it’s hard to imagine how they came to be and if they ever worked for anyone. On the other hand, praising a puppy for doing the right thing works best for everything you will do in your life together. Make her think that she is a little canine Einstein every time she performs this simple, natural act. Be effusive in your praise—cheer, clap, throw cookies. Let her know that no other accomplishment, ever—not going to the moon, not splitting the atom, not inventing coffee—has been as important as this pee. Reward your pup with one of his favorite treats. Make sure they’re nice and small, easy for your puppy to digest. If your dog has an accident, says Dr. Burch, don’t make a fuss, just clean up the mess. A cleaner that also kills odors will remove the scent so the dog will not use it in the future. Blot up liquid on the carpet before cleaning the rug. If you catch the dog starting to squat to urinate or defecate, pick her up and immediately rush outside. If she does the job outdoors, give her praise and attention. Remember that when it comes to housetraining, prevention is the key. Housetraining Problems Following these rules will usually result in a well-house-trained puppy. But sometimes, it doesn’t go as planned. Dr. Burch notes that sometimes house soiling is a sign of a physical issue. “Well before the several-month mark, a dog who has seemed impossible to housetrain should have a good veterinary workup,” she says. If your vet finds that your dog is healthy, the next step is to find a trainer or behaviorist who has had experience with this issue. Here are some common complaints that trainers say they have encountered: * “My lapdog is piddling all over the house!” This is common among people who own toy dogs. Some trainers recommend teaching little dogs to use indoor potty spots, in much the same way as a cat uses a litter box. In addition to piddle pads, there are actual dog potty boxes for indoor use. Other trainers say that with consistency, you can house train a little dog. It just may take a little additional time, attention, and effort. * “My dog keeps peeing in the same spot where she had an accident.” That’s probably because you didn’t clean up the mess efficiently and there is still some odor there, signaling that this is a prime potty spot. In your new puppy supply kit make sure you have plenty of pet stain enzymatic cleaners and carefully follow instructions on using them. * “I gave her the run of the apartment. When I came home, there was a mess.” This is a common mistake among dog owners. They see some early signs that the dog is getting the idea, and declare victory too soon. Even when the puppy is consistently doing what you want, keep to the schedule to make sure the good habits are ingrained. * “He’s soiling his crate!” Dr. Burch says dogs who come from pet stores, shelters, or other situations where they have been confined for long periods and have had no other choice but to eliminate in their kennels will often soil their crates. The best approach would be to go back to square one with crate and house training. Here are the steps to follow: * Assess how well your dog can control his bladder and bowels when not in the crate. * Carefully controlling diet and schedule. * Give frequent trips outside, including after every meal, first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. * If you work, consider a dog walker. * Clean everything so there are no odors left. How Long Does Puppy Potty Training Take? That can vary considerably, says Dr. Burch. There are many factors to consider, such as age, learning history, and your methods and consistency. An 8-week-old puppy is very different developmentally than a 5-month-old puppy. Some puppies have perfect manners after just a few days. Others can take months, especially if the dog has had a less-than-ideal situation before coming to you. With patience and persistence, though, most dogs can learn.

A dog crate can be helpful for potty training your dog, as well as providing your dog a home within your home. Although I don’t recommend that you keep your dog in the crate for long periods of time, as it interferes with normal behavioral development, crate training is highly recommended.

If you’re going to use a crate, it’s best to put a bed in the crate that the dog can’t chew. You also want one that’s supportive and comfortable for your dog but also easy to clean up if your puppy has an accident. There are alot of companies that make good bed's like Kuranda makes a great Crate Bed that does all of this. look on line for some good used ones. * For smaller crates at least 30” x 19” or larger, we recommend the 28 5/8” x 18 1/2” bed.* For medium crates that measure at least 36” x 23”, we recommend the 33 3/4” x 22 1/8” bed.* For medium crates that measure at least 42” x 28”, we recommend the 41” x 27” bed.* For larger crates that measure at least 48” x 30”, we recommend the 47” x 29” bed.* For XXL crates that measure at least 54” x 37”, we recommend the 50” x 36” bed. The Wash ‘n Zip Pet Bed is unlike any other product we’ve used. It's easily and entirely launderable and has multiple uses (as a dog bed, as a crate pad, as a furniture throw, as a blanket, as a car seat cover). There is no annoying cover to remove…just unzip and throw in the washer. It aids with flea & odor prevention. It also fits nicely on the Kuranda Dog Bed and will provide additional comfort. You may also want to add the Puppy Proofer to help deter your puppy from chewing off the bed’s zipper. MICROFIBER PET BLANKETMade of high quality microfiber fabric, this lightweight blanket can be stored in your car or at home. These lovely dog blankets are very soft, super cute, and warm—perfect for adding a little more extra comfort for your pet. Not to mention extra protection for your couch, carpet, car, bed, floor, or chair. And the best part? They're machine-washable. I got my dog blankets at Sams Club and to save a little mula I buy them at yard sales as well.


It is important that your dog eats quality food that supports health and development. I choose to feed and recommend Bill Jack puppy Food. When it comes to your dog’s food, we believe fresh, never frozen chicken should be the main ingredient. Bill Jack uses 25 lbs. of fresh chicken to make each 30 lb. bag of food. This quality food aids in the healthy development of your puppy's hips and joints, as well as the skin and coat. It promotes healthy digestion and helps protect against disease and inflammation. In addition, the company will ship fresh food to your door. Click the logo to the left to get a $5 off coupon, or if you go to the site directly, enter coupon code

As any dog owner knows, food and water bowls are an absolute necessity. I use the Plastic puzzle bowls. My dogs feel like eating has to be a race, I have no idea why, but these bowls seem to fix that problem. Featuring meal-lengthening ridges and mazes, Fun Feeders keep pups engaged for up to 10x longer at chow time, which improves digestion while helping furry friends eat at a fun, healthy pace! The Fun Feeder also features a slip-resistant base to prevent sliding and food spillage. Particularly helpful for this breed! Stainless steel bowls are durable and inexpensive and tend to last a long time. In addition, stainless steel bowls are dishwasher safe and easy to clean. These bowls are great for their cute design and their sturdiness. also the crock bowls are nice looking as well as durible.

SLOPPER STOPPER DRIPLESS DOG WATER BOWL:I have not tried this yet but I have it on order! It is a Dripless Dog Water Bowl that reduces water spills and trails by up to 85% or more by not allowing the Muzzle of the Dog to get soaking wet. Are you tired of chasing your dog around the house with a towel or getting wet kisses? yuck!!! This bowl may be the answer for you.

I have always been told by experts NOT to use store bought treats. Just use regular dog food. Much better for them. Much cheaper for you lol! but if your adventurous heres a good resipie for home made treats. INGREDIENTS1 cup oat flour or pulse rolled oats in food processor1/4 cup peanut butter smooth, all natural, no artificial sweeteners1/4 cup finely crumbled crisp bacon, fat trimmed1 banana very ripe, mashed1 large eggINSTRUCTIONS
Preheat your oven to 350 F.In a medium bowl, use a hand mixer to fully combine the oat flour, banana, peanut butter, egg, and crumbled bacon.On a clean flat surface, roll out the dough mixture to about 1/3 inch thickness. Or roll them thicker, and cook a little longer.Use your cookie cutter to cut the individual biscuits, or shape with hands, and place them onto a parchment-lined or non-stick cookie sheet. (If you need to lightly grease your cookie sheet, use a small amount of olive oil.)Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden and dry.

While I sincerely hope this will never happen to your pet, you'll never know where pests are lurking. For dogs that don’t like to take pills and owners who don’t like to administer them, Seresto kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months in one easy-to-use, non-greasy, odorless collar. Quickly kills fleas within 24 hours of initial application and reinfesting fleas within 2 hours. The Seresto collar is water-resistantand remains effective following a shampoo treatment, swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight.
Another coice if you find that you do have a pest problem, I would recommend this control spray that offers prevention and treatment in one safe, effective spray. As an alternative to monthly chemical treatments like drops and pills, this spray is the natural flea and tick treatment that both kills and repels with no toxic effects to pets or children! Plus, it also stops itching and scratching, comforts dry skin and hot spots, and is pH balanced for healthy skin and a fresh smelling coat. Wondercide natural flea, tick & mosquito control kills the flea lifecycle. Use on your pets, bedding, carpeting, upholstery, and other surfaces around your home to ensure full elimination anywhere adult fleas may have jumped and eggs may have fallen. In addition, it will not stain pets, furniture, or flooring.

I personally use Dawn Dish soap for all my pups but if your looking for something else this puppy shampoo is specially formulated to be hypo-allergenic and PH balanced for the delicate skin of puppies and kittens. It is environmentally safe and created to moisturize your young pet’s sensitive skin and give their coat sheen and luster. Their shampoo contains a coconut base with aloe vera, vitamins A, D, E and a proprietary blend of botanical extracts; no alcohol or animal by-products are ever used. This puppy shampoo is tearless and contains no detergent or soaps that remove the essential natural oils from the skin which your pet needs.

SLICKER BRUSHA slicker brush is handy for fluffing the outer coat on your Crockett Doodle. A slicker brush is simply a brush that's dense with very thin, strong and bendable pins. These hundreds of pins close together work at separating hairs, which de-mats your dog as you brush. In the long run, it is better to get a good quality slicker brush because cheap brushes have handles that tend to break, bristles that wear out quickly, and their pins tend to be stiff and sharp which can hurt your dog. Using the right tool will speed up the grooming process significantly and make it a more pleasant experience for both you and your Doodle.

GROOMING COMBThis tool is used to remove any of those hidden mats the slicker couldn't reach. The comb is dual-sided with coarse, fine teeth and is an essential tool for finishing and fluffing coats. It's perfect for finishing your dog and making sure they're 100% clear and free of tangles.

NAIL CLIPPERS AND/OR GRINDERSUnless you go to the groomers regulary you will need to trim your dog's nails regularly to prevent nail overgrowth, injury, and discomfort. There are several different kinds of nail clippers on the market, like Scissor clippers (for bigger size dogs), and Grinder tools (all sizes). The grinder works by grinding down the nail instead of clipping. It's worth noting that the grinding process takes a bit longer than the clipping process, so patience is required. Grinding also tends to leave a smoother finish on the nail.

PET GROOMING GLOVESKeeping your dog’s coat brushed regularly is important for their overall health, as well as yours. These gloves make it easier and more efficient than ever before! This flexible, slip-on grooming gloves allow you to brush away dirt, grime, dander and loose hair fromyour dog. It also helps stimulate the healthy oils on their skin which can improve the softness and radiance of their coat. You'll be amazed how well these work!

DOG CLIPPERSQuality dog clippers are great for trimming thick doodle hair. These are easy to use, quiet, and durable. They last for 2 hours in between charges. The kit comes with color guide combs that make it easy to find your desired coat length. There are many other good choices just ask your groomer.
COLLARThe general rule for dog collars is they should be snug with enough room to fit two fingers between your dog's neck and his collar. The collar should not be too loose to slip over the pet's head, nor too tight as to restrict breathing or cause coughing. For everyday use, a Nylon or Leather collar will work. For your first collar, we recommend you purchase a collar that fits at one of the smaller settings but has plenty of room to grow. Check collar size frequently on growing puppies. Have fun with all the available colors!
IDENTIFICATION TAGOnce you have your furry friend, you want to ensure it has a way back to you if lost. Dog tags come in several different shapes and colors. Make sure the material is durable and readable. I would highly suggest that you include some contact information, like a phone number, email or an address.
NYLON DOG LEASHYour dog will need plenty of exercise to keep healthy and out of trouble. Dog leashes are available in a variety of fabrics, widths, and lengths. Selecting a particular leash for your puppy is based on your preference and budget. The most important factor is that the weight of the leash should correspond with the size of your dog. For example, a larger dog might require a heavier, sturdier leash. While there are also retractable dog leash options that are not a great choice, I recommend starting with a standard dog leash when training for better control.
DOG HARNESSA dog harness helps with control and safety issues. A harness can give you more control with your dog when you are out and about. You will want to find one that has an adjustable neck and chest so that it is easy to put on and off. I would recommend a harness especially if your dog has neck problems since the harness disperses the pressure from one smaller area to a larger surface area. Suitable for occasions like daily walking, outdoor, training, and more.
SHOCK ABSORBING DOG LEASHFor dogs who tend to pull, the Zero Shock Leash has been designed to drastically reduce strain and pull on the dog and the owner. Utilizing a soft touch webbing and a generously-sized neoprene handle, this leash really is a pleasure to hold in your hand and is perfect for walking and jogging with your dog. It adds protection from sudden moves made by you or your dog, a need still in demand well beyond the training stage. I find the control handle near the collar to be very helpful to regain quick and secure control of your dog when required.
LEATHER TRAINING LEASHThese leashes are sturdy, durable and soft, made from genuine Full Grain leather and are beautifully finished. 6 foot is the standard recommended by professional dog trainers around the world. It is strong enough to handle very large dogs, but light enough that even smaller dogs will be comfortable with the weight. The high quality finished leather is water resistant, cleans easily and won't tear at your hands like cheap nylon.
"WALK YOUR DOG WITH LOVE DOG" HARNESSThis dog harness is chafe-free, easy to put on, and simple to use. It stops your dog from pulling and prevents heavy rings, sliders, and sharp areas from chafing your dog.
DOG WASTE BAG HOLDERDo you find yourself frenzied while preparing to head out the door with your pet knowing you'll have to take care of any messes left behind? Now there's one less thing to worry about with this 300 count of dog-waste bags, which comes complete with a handy black dispenser and a sturdy leash clip. To use the dispenser, simply remove the base, slip the roll of dog-waste bags inside, and reattach the base. The bags measure 13x9 inches in size and are leak-proof bags for safe, sanitary handling.The dispenser also includes a leash clip so you can attach it and always have it with you. EXERCISE PENThe metal exercise pen provides a great enclosure to keep your pet safe and secure while indoors or outside. These playpens are made of durable metal wire with a coat finish for long lasting protection against rust and the elements. When fully expanded, this provides your pet with 16 square feet of enclosed living area I actually put two of them together and make it really roomy. It is simple to set up, with no tools required. This is a good solution if you want to give your pet more freedom to move about, play, and keep those muscles working, but don't want them to have free rein. A properly exercised pet is a happier, healthier pet. again look on line for a used one to save a bit of money.

ABSORBENT PUPPY PADS Walgreens Puppy pads are perfect for training your pets to piddle. This mat will protect your house from damage and dirt on the floor. Puppy training pads make dog training easier and make life happier. Theres's a built-in attractant that your pet will fall in love with, making it preferable to do their business on the mat rather than anywhere else. Puppy training pads have odor-control so they keep your room clean and smell fresh all day. You can use the pads anywhere, like the floor, bathroom, crate, carrier, etc. PET STAIN REMOVER Your puppy will inevitably have accidents in your home. Be prepared with a pet stain remover that cleans tough spots and stains with ease. You need a product that is tough on stains but not harmful for your dog or your carpet. A spray bottle makes clean-up quick and easy. Always follow product recommendations for checking color-fastness before usingon your carpet or upholstery. PAPER TOWELSTrust me when I say you'll need these. Getting these in bulk online tend to be cheaper than the grocery store. These are perfect for cleaning up spills and accidents due to the super-absorbent sheets. Keep any surface clean and dry.
PUPPY KONGThe Kong is the gold standard of dog toys and has become the staple for dogs around the world for over forty years. Offering enrichment by helping satisfy dogs' instinctual needs, the Kong unique all-natural rubber formula is ultra-durable with an erratic bounce that is ideal for dogs that like to chew while also fulfilling a dog's need to play. Want to extend play time? Be sure to stuff with tempting bits of kibble and entice with a dash of peanut butter. KONG TEETHING PUPPY BINKYPuppies don't chew up your house just to drive you crazy; they're driven to ease sore gums and try out developing teeth. Redirect your little canine's chewing urges with this adorable, pacifier-shaped chew toy. Made from an exclusive puppy Kong rubber formulation that's more flexible than regular Kongs, these binkies soothe teething pains and encourage healthy mouth and jaw development. They also help puppies learn the appropriate way to channel their chewing urges--an investment that will pay off over the entire lifetime of the dog. And just like the beehive-shaped Kongs, these have a goofy, unpredictable bounce for hours of chasing and fetching fun. KONG DENTAL DOG TOYDental health is just as important for pets as it is for people, but it's a rare dog that likes getting his teeth brushed. This fun, versatile chew combines the functions of a treat dispenser, toothbrush, and classic fetch toy, all in one. Made from the same super-tough, puncture-resistant natural rubber as classic Kongs, its patented grooved design "squeegees" teeth and gums clean as dogs chew, helping prevent plaque and tartar buildup (not to mention bad breath). Use Kong Breath Paste inside the grooves to motivate your dog to chew and freshen his breath at the same time. Shaped like a bone, Kong dental toys have a hollow interior just made for stuffing with treats or biscuits. Extracting the contents is work that can keep dogs happy and busy for hours, helping prevent boredom, separation anxiety, and related behavior problems like barking, digging, or chewing shoes. KONG TUGGING TOYThe Kong Tugga Wubba is a fun, interactive tug and toss toy made with durable reinforced nylon and tails on both ends for twice the shaking fun. The tails make it easy to pick up, throw or tug. It is covered in durable ballistic nylon for added toughness. INTERACTIVE DOG PUZZLE Dogs are very playful and intelligent animals. Channel their energy and curiosity into something positive with trixie's flip board. It is ideal for the intermediate canine gamer. The game rewards your pet for correctly opening the various compartments. To begin, place your dog's favorite treats in any or all of the compartments. By correctly sliding the covers or lifting the flaps and cones, the rewards will be revealed for your dog's enjoyment. Due to their unique design, the cones cannot be knocked over. They must be lifted straight up to be removed. Vary the number and placement of treats to increase the level of difficulty. The non-slip rubber rim keep the game in place as your dog explores. They have also included an instructional booklet with tips and tricks for challenging and training dogs of all ages through play. KONG SQUEAKER TENNIS BALLSThe Kong Squeakair Ball combines two classic dog toys—the tennis ball and the squeaker toy—to create the perfect fetch toy. Their durable, high-quality tennis ball will not wear down your dog's teeth. It's made with a special non-abrasive felt, compared to the abrasive material on normal tennis balls. Perfect for games of fetch. PLUSH DOG TOYDoodles, especially puppies, tend to be active and need toys to play with. Purchase cute, soft and cuddly plush toys that are made with an extra layer of material to make them extra tough. These are perfect for a game of fetch or great as a comfort toy for your furry friend. GLOW-IN-THE-DARK BALLPlaying fetch with your dog encourages a healthy, active lifestyle, not to mention the quality time with your pet. Extend fetch time to early mornings and late nights with a glow ball that will get you outside with your dog. Charge under bright light 5 to 10 minutes for 20 to 30 minutes of high-visibility, lighted play. This product is made with a safe, high quality photo luminescent material that is both chemically and biologically inert. Use in the park, in your backyard, or anywhere there is plenty of room. BOTTLE COVER TOYIt’s difficult to find a plush toy that can withstand rough play that will last for more than one day. It’s even worse to find a huge mess that your dog made by tearing apart a new toy. If you're a dog owner and really want to find a toy that your dog loves, but that lasts more than 5 minutes, tender-tuffs are the answer you've been looking for! Simply insert an empty plastic bottle for hours of fun with added crinkle action. NYLABONE DOG CHEWThis deliciously entertaining chew toy has allergen-free peanut butter flavor throughout. Made with tough, durable nylon, this Power Chew DuraChew chew toy is the long-lasting chew toy you need for your aggressive chewer. This power chew keeps dogs busy, satisfies their natural urge to chew, and encourages positive chewing habits. Plus, the bristles raised during chewing promote clean teeth and help control plaque and tartar buildup. Variety of flavors including bacon, peanut butter, beef jerky, and chicken. DENTAL CHEWOraVet Dental Hygiene Chews combat bacterial attachment, the starting point of plaque, calculus and halitosis. Each chew releases delmopinol HIC, an ingredient that coats the teeth, tongue and gingiva to create a protective barrier against the bacteria that cause bad breath and are the basis for plaque. OraVet Dental Hygiene Chews also break down existing plaque and then effectively remove plaque and calculus through mechanical action. OraVet Dental Hygiene Chew should be given as directed by your veterinarian as part of your dog's complete preventive oral health care regimen. Always monitor your dog until the chew is fully consumed. Chews are intended for dogs six months of age and older. BULLY STICKSBully sticks are fully digestible so they make a better treat for puppies than rawhide to satisfy their need to chew. They are made of one ingredient—beef. Because bully sticks are made from tissue that is fully digestible, it is a safe alternative to antlers, which can break teeth, rawhide rolls, which can cause blockages, and cooked bones which can splinter. No growth-hormones and no cheap fillers. To prevent loose stools because of a quick change in diet, introduce slowly to avoid tummy upset.

AIRLINE/CAR TRAVEL CARRIERWhether you’re going to the vet or on a flight across the country, traveling with your dog can be stressful for you both. This medium-size carrier expands on the front, back & sides to give your pet a roomier, more comfortable travel experience in a car or underneath the seat of an airplane. Check with your airline for specific travel requirements, but we can say if your pet doesn’t fit in this, they can’t fly under your seat. PET TRAVEL KENNELDesigned to keep your pet safe, secure, and comfortable when traveling, this kennel works well for anything from trips to the dog park or hiking trails to routine visits to the vet. Featuring an easy 2-door entrance, you're sure to get your pet in and out without hassle. Be sure to add a cozy blanket or a soft foam bed for comfort. PET TRAVEL WATER BOTTLEQuickly provide fresh water for your thirsty pups without a dog bowl.The thick, extra large silicone cup quickly provides your thirsty pets with fresh water when traveling, walking, or any other adventures. It’s the perfect travel water bottle for pets. Easy storage in your backpack, bag or glovebox. PET CAR SEAT COVERA car seat cover allows you to bring your pet with you anywhere without worrying about any damage to your vehicle. With 4 layers of durable materials, this car cover is waterproof and wearproof, keeping your car safe from pet claws, stains and liquids. The cover can be securely anchored in the back seat, making sure it stays still and neat even during quick turns and speed bumps. Available for most cars, trucks, automotives and SUVs. PET TRAVEL CARRIERIf you're planning on traveling by air, this carrier allows your pet to travel with you on most major airlines.You can roll it through the airport like a traditional piece of luggage, or you can convert it into a backpack to get places faster and easier. You want one that is ventilated, made with high quality mesh, has openings for your dog or cat to view the world with you as you travel, and has memory foam fleece inserts on the inside, all to keep them happy and comfortable during your journey! PORTABLE EXERCISE PENA high quality portable playpen makes it easy to take your pet to wherever you go. Set up a convenient home-away-from-home in moments—perfect for travelers and campers. The playpen can be folded to put into the Carry Bag. Because of the durable, water-resistant fabric and mesh panels, this pen is comfortable and easy to clean up.